We offer a variety of membership units. Proof of age is required. (anyone 17+ must show a valid photo I.D. the first time they use the facility)
ADULT: age 26 to 64
FAMILY: 2 adults who live in the same household and children under the age of 18 who live in the household
SINGLE PARENT: 1 adult and children under the age of 18 who live in the household
HIGH SCHOOL: age 14 to 18
SENIOR: age 65+
YOUTH: age 1 to 13
YOUNG ADULT: age 19 to 25
Age rules for the facility:
Youth must be at least 12 years old to be alone in the YMCA. They may use the basketball courts and swim during open swim times.
Youth 14 years old may work out in the Wellness Center but must be trained by our trainer.
Youth between the ages of 8 and 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult 18 or older to be in or workout in the Wellness Center. There are certain machines they may use – seated, non-weighted. The Wellness Center staff will assist.
DAY PASS FEES FOR NONMEMBERS: (anyone 17+ must show a valid photo I.D. the first time they use the facility)
Adult – $10.00
Young Adult – $7.00
High School – $6.00
Youth – $5.00