Mobility, Flexibility, Independence Combining stretching and strengthening exercises with low cardio walking, this class will help you gain the mobility to regain your independence or gain confidence as you start an exercise program. This exercise class incorporates walking, weights, exercise balls, and stretch bands. This total body workout is great for improving balance, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Wear comfortable clothing with footwear appropriate for walking. Suitable for all levels.
Aqua Jog is a fun water class incorporating stretching with cardio and strength exercises. You do not need swimming skills to participate. All the exercises can be done at a personal pace.
“SilverSneakers class is a fun, energizing program that helps older adults take greater control of their health by encouraging physical activity and offering social events.”
This class is a low intensity nature using exercise balls, stretch bands, and weights to help you improve muscular strength and obtain greater range of motion.
We accept over 50 health plans for the Healthways Fitness Program. This program allows members to exercise for FREE each day and experience the health improvements physical activity can offer them.
To start participating in this program, stop in at the Y and see if your health plan covers this fitness program.
Enhance Fitness is a low impact class with high impact results. Geared towards those who have a chronic condition, such as arthritis. There are also chairs you can use for support and eventually you will add soft wrist and ankle weights to your workout at your own pace. Classes meet three times a week for 60 minutes each class. Most importantly you will make friends who will support you and cheer you on. This 16 week program is free for all members and first time users thanks to a generous grant from the Highmark Foundation.
Does your breathing stop you from activities that you love? This individualized exercise program is for people who have history lung problems or who are severely de-conditioned and may be on continuous oxygen therapy. Run by Lorrie Williams, RN and Dee Sabia, RN, this program runs Monday though Friday, 9am to 9pm and all session are by appointment. This is a paid program with tiered pricing based on individual needs.
LOVE YOUR HEART SO IT WILL LOVE YOU BACK “In the Cardiac Direction” is an individualized exercise program for heart disease prevention. This flexible program ensures each participant’s cardiovascular fitness without exceeding the safe limits of exercise. Your team may include your physician, our nurse, dietician, pharmacist, physical therapist and fitness trainers. Suitable for anyone wishing to increase their cardiac fitness. Created and supervised by RNs Lorrie Williams and Dee Sabia. This is a paid program with tiered pricing based on individual needs.